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Bill Gates: The Savior of Humanity or a Capitalist Hungry for Control

October 1, 2024by Scherezade0

Bill Gates is well known for his philanthropy work and of course for his wealth as one of the richest men in the world.

He is also well known for his predictions starting with his book “The Road Ahead” published 25 years ago mostly based on predictions related to technology that makes a lot of sense with his background.

But somehow his predictions took a different route and around 2015 he switched from technology predictions to health, vaccines, pandemics acting like a god figure making predictions about future pandemics, climate disasters and wars around the globe.

Being such a prominent figure, his message is taken very seriously by political figures and the public in general.

How such an intelligent person cannot realize that his message causes fear towards the future and is lacking any positive impact in society.

Probably some people think that massive vaccination on third work countries can bring some positive impact on the survival rates of infants, can be from the other hand a very insignificant contribution if the babies that survive don’t have food, water and decent leaving conditions.

It looks like these third countries populations serve as social experiments and big conversations on world forums, resulting in very little or no efforts at all on helping these countries with the development of infrastructure, agriculture, creation of industrial mesh that can really help them to get out of the third world concept to move to develop country category and all that comes with this in terms of quality of life, life expectancy, food supply, health and education.

That being said, and from an astrological perspective Bill Gates may have more greed and personal centered energy than world savior.

Here is his chart

Heavy weight on the northern hemisphere of the chart indicates that is very private and secretive individual.

We don’t know the real Bill Gates, we just see an elaborated message along the lines of the ruler of his 10th house mars and Mercury placed in the 4th house in the sign of Libra. Analyzing his emotions and those of others before expressing from an intellectual perspective his opinions.

Cancer rising with the moon in 10th house in Aries, explains his public exposure, being a prominent public figure.

Sun in Scorpio on his 5th house making his creations, in this case Microsoft the core of his life.

On the 2nd house very prominent in terms of planetary placement Uranus in Leo has very well served him in terms of making money through technology, but also a conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Leo in this house makes clear his ability for financial growth and tendency to control and greed in terms of always push for more.

The ruler of the second house, the sun in Scorpio, is placed on his 5th house making a sextile to Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, making this clear that his money comes from his creation represented by 5th house, in this case by his corporation. This position is also a good indicator of the great importance of money and power for him and ready to do what ever it takes to achieve this position.

His 4th house in Libra with Mars, Mercury and Neptune gives him a very centered energy, intellectual development at a very early age, avoiding conflicts to make more practical approach to day to day experience, good family support, and Neptune energy can express with family secrets and very close doors family life.

5th house on Scorpio with the Sun, and a Saturn Venus conjunction makes him very proud and emotionally attached to his creations, in this case his company with a cold emotional approach to people in general, with a sense of control, becoming dominant at times and with a tremendous will power to complete his goals. Saturn/Venus conjunction can also have to do with behind-the-scenes investments (as 5th house represents stock market), and secret projects.

Is many other considerations and aspects to this chart, but in reference to this article, we can analyzed with the placements I already mentioned how much of a world savior we have on this chart and how much of a power/money hungry individual.

In my opinion these positions are more likely to represent an individual with a very weight on power, money and with emotional attachments to his own creations more than to people around him or humanity in general.

We can also perceive the energy of behind-the-scenes projects, interests and investments, and an energy self-centered with a very elaborated Mars and Mercury in Libra message and with the ruler of 11th house (humanitarian endeavors) in the 5th house in Scorpio with a Saturn conjunction, shows more interest on personal advancement and investments than a real interest on humanity.




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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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