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Taurus Astrology Predictions

September 2024
Astrology Transits-Taurus

Astrology Transits for Tauro sign September 2024

During the month of September 2024

Taurus individuals will experience a variety of astrological transits that will influence different aspects of their lives.

Here is a detailed overview of the key transits and their potential impacts:


  • General Overview
    • Work and Career:
      • September is expected to be a productive month for Taurus
      • Significant professional achievements.
      • Venus, your ruling planet, will enter its own sign in the sixth house of Libra on September 18
      • Brings steadiness and reduction of obstacles in your job.
      • This transit enhances your charm and attracts positive attention
      • Favorable time for career advancement and recognition for your efforts.


  • Relationships:
    • Love relationships will experience growth, though there may be some moments of tension.
    • It’s important to communicate effectively and maintain harmony to strengthen your bond with your partner.
    • Marital relationships are likely to become more intense, fostering a deeper connection with your spouse.


  • Key Astrological Transits
    • September 1:
      • Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
      • Invites reflection on changes in values, finances, and security.
      • This period is excellent for internalizing recent disruptions and finding innovative ways to create stability.


  • September 2:
    • New Moon in Virgo
    • Encourages setting practical and health oriented intentions.
    • This lunar event is a good time for self improvement and organization.


  • September 18:
    • Venus enters Libra
    • Enhancing your charm and bringing steadiness to your work life.
    • This transit supports professional growth and reduces obstacles.


  • Family and Social Life
    • Family Dynamics:
      • Potential family conflict due to Mars in the second house, which could cause bitterness in your speech.
      • It’s important to communicate thoughtfully to maintain harmony.
      • Support from siblings is likely, and their affection for you will grow.


  • Health and Wellbeing
    • Health Considerations:
      • The month of September is generally positive
      • Important to be vigilant about your health.
      • There may be some health concerns
      • Prioritize selfcare and seek medical advice if necessary.


  • Overall, September 2024
    • The month of September is a promising month for Taurus.
    • Opportunities for professional growth and strengthened relationships.
    • By leveraging the positive transits and maintaining a balanced approach.
    • Taurus individuals can navigate the month’s challenges and opportunities effectively.

Get Your Personalized Astrology Transits Consultation

Solar Return Consultation

Solar Return


Every year on your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact spot it was when you were born.

This chart is used for predicting yearly trends and influences, offering a detailed view of what to expect in the next 12 months.

The location where you are at the time of your birthday will determine the solar return for that year, depending on your current situation and solar return we can also explore alternative locations for your birthday to enhance positive planetary.


9O Minutes



Complete Astrological Analysis


Astrological Analysis

The most comprehensive astrological analysis includes in depth natal chart reading and yearly transits reading.

By analyzing current Astrology Transits, you anticipate opportunities & challenges, allowing you to plan and prepare for the future more effectively.

Whether you’re contemplating a career change, relationship dynamics, or major life transitions, yearly astrology transits reading can help you make informed choices by highlighting favorable times and potential obstacles.


2 Hours



Natal Chart Reading

Natal Chart


Your natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at your birth, showing the cosmic influences that shape who you are and how you experience the world.

During our session, we will thoroughly analyze your chart to give you a clear understanding of who you are, your personality, strengths, challenges, relationships, career, health, finances, emotional patterns, potential life path, and personal growth.

Whether you seek clarity, direction, or personal growth, this reading offers you profound understanding and guidance on your journey.


6O Minutes




In our sessions, we analyzed all the dynamics going on your chart to uncover core aspects of your personality, emotions, health, finances and life patterns. This information allows you to make meaningful changes to heal the past and to take control of your present and future.

Self-knowledge will set you free from believes, self-imposed boundaries, insecurities and it will empower you, are you ready?


Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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