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Mars Retrograde in Leo December 2024

December 9, 2024by Scherezade0

Mars Retrograde in Leo December 6, 2024 – January 6, 2025



Mars Retro in Leo: Rethink, Recharge, Realign 🔥 #marsretrograde2024 #marsretrograde #marsastrology #astrologytiktok #zodiacleo♌️

♬ original sound – scherezade

Mars Retro in Leo: Rethink, Recharge, Realign 🔥

Mars is the planet known to be the planet of ward, but in fact mars is much more and has much more positive aspects than just the aggressiveness. Mars is the planet of motivation, of action, drive, is like the engine of the car.

When Mars retrogrades, its energy of action and drive, and motivation becomes more an internal issue.

We may ask our selves why I am doing this?

On our daily doing, moving we don’t stop to reflect on why I am doing this, is this really what I want, and with Marsh retrograde time has come to review our goals, motivation and challenges.

And it is actually not the time to do, as we may feel insecure, we may feel frustrated, and we may not end up taking the best decisions.

Depending on where Mars is in transit in relation to your natal chart, you may have to go over that specific area, if is in transit through your 4th house you may have to deal with family issues, if is in your 7th house relationships, partnerships, etc.

It is important to take into consideration that regardless of what area of your life will come to the spotlight this is not about others; this is about us.

If we have a conflict with a family member, we need to analyze our role within the conflict, we will not go over we started this, if it is your fault my fault, just what is my part within this conflict an how can I change my approach looking at this situation not from my ego but with a humble perspective, what will be my strategy towards this issue to find a solution.

We will have to exercise patient, and control, it is actually a time to hold on big decisions, and rather take this time to reassess how can we make a better use of our time and energy, to review or goals and motivations, our relationship with our selves and how we reflect this to others.



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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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