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In April 2022, the European Union experienced its Saturn return, a significant astrological that always brings major changes, in this case coincided with the onset of the Ukraine-Russia war.

While neither Ukraine nor Russia is a member of the EU, the conflict profoundly impacted the EU due to its dependencies: Russia for energy and Ukraine for agricultural production. This geopolitical crisis created a cascade of negative effects on the EU’s economy.

The Economic Impact of the Conflict

On top of the Ukraine – Russia war, EU was going through an spending spree following Jupiter’s entry into the EU’s 8th house in May 2021.

The combination of overspending, rising energy costs due to the conflict, weakened industrial production, reduced exports to China, and political instability in key EU nations such as Germany, France, and Spain contributed to a severe economic downturn. Even an strong economy like Germany entered a recession, with other member states facing similar trajectories.

Future Astrological Trends for the EU

Looking ahead, the EU’s challenges will continue for the rest of 2025 by significant astrological transits:

Saturn’s Transit Between the 8th and 9th Houses

Saturn will dance between the EU’s 8th and 9th houses, emphasizing the need for cutting spending and enforcing more restrictive financial policies for all members.

This transit, especially when Saturn enters the 9th house issues like the illegal immigration crisis will come to the spotlight, and trade, import, export agreements may also be a priority.

For the first time, we may see efforts by the EU to address the illegal immigration crisis going on in Europe for the last few years.

Uranus in the 10th House Opposing the 4th House Mars-Pluto Conjunction

Uranus, transiting the EU’s 10th house, is making an opposition to natal Mars-Pluto conjunction in the 4th house. This opposition from Dec 2024 – to May 2025  can have an impact making more difficult scenario for member states internal political instability.

We may see power struggles, and the lack of consensus between political forces can only add to the current chaos.

Germany, France, Spain, among others will undergo significant disruptions on domestic politics, economic policies, and societal changes having a negative impact on the EU’s unity, and financial structure.

Uranus Square Natal Saturn in the 7th House

Uranus will also square the EU’s natal Saturn in the 7th house from Dec 2024 – to May 2025, creating tension in international relationships. Trade agreements and exports, particularly with major players like the U.S. and China, are likely to face challenges. These strained relations will negatively impact EU industries, production, and overall economic growth, leading to further weakening of the EU’s economic foundation.

Pluto’s Transit into the 7th House

Pluto’s ingress into the EU’s 7th house in November 2024 and Pluto’s transformative energy will bring a cleansing effect, targeting corruption, excessive bureaucracy, and overregulation—issues that have contributed to the EU’s current struggles.

On April 2025 Mars in transit on EU 1st house making an opposition to natal Pluto on the 7th house may shift the EU’s approach to international relationships, particularly with the U.S. and China, to activate exports and revitalize industrial production.

We may also see a very different approach towards big investors to capture their interest again on European projects that may not have the expected results.

Additionally, this period may coincide with the resolution of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, potentially by May 2025. While this would be a positive development, the EU will still require time to recover from the economic and political turmoil, as well as to address internal challenges, including the corruption within the European Union structure.

Jupiter’s Transit Through the 12th House

Jupiter’s transit through the EU’s 12th house, from June 2025 to June 2026, will be a time of d internal restructuring. This period is unlikely to bring significant economic growth, as the focus will be on resolving internal issues including a deep transformation of the EU current structure, even a new approach to the entire vision of the EU.

Outlook for the European Union

2025 and 2026 will be difficult times for the EU, with challenges on, economic, political, international relationships and social unrest. By September 2026, we may see a restructured EU, that may very well be a different type of union, more like joint in venture than a bad marriage that is the current structure.


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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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