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On January 21, 2025, six planets will line up in the night sky: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

It is important we don’t confuse a planetary alignment with planetary conjunction.

A planetary alignment is when some of the planets in our solar system, in this case Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune look like they are standing in a line in the sky. It’s like they’re having a meeting! 🌟

But guess what? The planets aren’t really in a straight line—they just look that way from Earth.

A planetary conjunction is when two or more planets are within 0-6° of each other.

Some astrologers use a bigger Orbe up to 10°, in my experience when is more than 6° of separation, I don’t see the energy of the conjunction expressing in any way on the chart.

Anyway, coming back to planetary alignment now that we have make very clear the differences between conjunction and alignment, from an astrology perspective a planetary alignment does not have any meaning.

Some astrologers consider these alignments as energy portals, or signs for future events. This may have roots in old times when it was the belief that planetary alignments were divine messages, and signs for important events on earth, like prophecies.

If you have the opportunity to watch the night sky this will be for sure a beautiful show.

  • Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn: These planets are bright and easy to spot with just your eyes.
  • Uranus and Neptune: These are farther away and too dim to see without a telescope or binoculars.

How to See It:

  1. Find a Dark Spot: Go somewhere away from city lights so the sky is darker, and take binoculars.
  2. Look East/Southeast: That’s where the planets will be or use one of the apps to locate these planets. or
  3. Best Time: Around 7:00 PM UTC, they’ll be easiest to see.


It’s like the planets are having a little cosmic meetup! You don’t need to be an astronomer—just step outside, look up, and enjoy the show. 🌌

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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