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Complete Astrological Analysis



Complete Astrological Analysis

What to Expect from a Complete Astrology Transits Reading

A detailed and complete Astrology Transits reading interacts with your Natal Chart to provide you with powerful insights into your current life circumstances and what the future may hold for you.

Focus Areas
Specific life areas such as career, love, health, and finances are analyzed based on where the transits are occurring in your chart.

Short-term Transits
These involve faster-moving planets like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which affect day-to-day events and immediate concerns.

Long-term Transits
Slower-moving planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto highlight longer-term trends and significant life changes.

Planetary return
When a planet returns to the exact position in the zodiac where it was at the time of a person’s birth. Each return highlights a specific theme related to the planet involved.

Practical Applications of Complete Astrology Transits reading:

Clarity on Current Situations
Understand the cosmic influences affecting your current life circumstances.

Gain deeper insight into your behaviors, patterns, and tendencies.

Decision-Making Support
Receive advice on the best times for making significant decisions or initiating new ventures.

Spot favorable periods for personal and professional growth, and recognize potential obstacles and learn strategies to navigate them effectively.

The knowledge of your personalized Astrology Transits give you the opportunity to understand your past and your present, and this knowledge gives you the power to change your present and shape a better future.

Personalized ‘Complete Astrological Analysis’

  • written specifically for you by intuitive astrology and planetary wisdom of popular astrologer, Scherezade Lozano.


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In our sessions, we analyzed all the dynamics going on your chart to uncover core aspects of your personality, emotions, health, finances and life patterns. This information allows you to make meaningful changes to heal the past and to take control of your present and future.

Self-knowledge will set you free from believes, self-imposed boundaries, insecurities and it will empower you, are you ready?


Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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