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Astrology Transits US Economy 2024

Pluto return and his implications and consequences. We are talking a lot about Pluto return into US chart just referring to the exact return that happened on February 2022. In reality the US have been experiencing Pluto energy on the 2nd house (Finances/money house) since 2008.

Pluto entered US 2nd house in January 2008 and -of course- we all know what happened in 2008 to US economy, the financial crisis, often referred to as the “Great Recession.”

Astrology Transits US Economy 2024
Astrology Transits US Economy 2024

Astrology Transits US Economy 2008-2024
Since then, US economy has been surviving by pumping unrealistic money and elevating US debt from $9.00 trillion in 2007 to 34 trillion by December 2023.

So, the percentage increase in U.S. debt from 2007 to 2023 is approximately 249.67%.
This is very significative as we can clearly see that a true recovery of US economy never happened. We just experience a false feeling of stability that is far from reality, right now 2024 we have a significantly more complicated and difficult position in terms of US economy than back in 2008.

Saturn Pluto conjunction on US 2nd house was the next big hit on US economy. Covid really is the most accurate and literal expression of Saturn Pluto conjunction on a 2nd house.

Restrictions, limitations, responsibilities, challenges, financial setbacks, losses that require to reassess approach to money management and resource allocation.

Astrology Transits US Economy 2008-2024
Astrology Transits US Economy 2008 2024

Astrology Transits US Economy Feb 2024
First, exact Pluto US return in February 2022. Pluto energy expressing itself loud and clear. Guys this is not working, you have not fixed the issues from 2008, a little makeup will not do it.

First 2 quarters of 2022: negative growth, inflation rose 8%, interest rates increase 11 times during the year.

Astrology Transits US Economy Feb 2024
Astrology Transits US Economy Feb 2024

Astrology Transits US Economy 2024 2025
What can we expect for 2024 / 2025 ?
Pluto leaves US 2nd house on January 2024, this can lead to unrealistic view for the recovery of US economy, recovery that still far from becoming a reality.

By July 2024 with Uranus in transit through the 6th house making an square to natal moon in 3rd house will have a great impact on the economy and we may see unemployment rates go up, companies doing mayor restructuring, and companies closing down and a general feeling of discomfort towards the economic policies affecting income for general public and a decrease of buying power.

Astrology Transits US Economy 2024 2025
Astrology Transits US Economy 2024 2025

Astrology Transits US Economy September 2024
September 2024 Pluto retrograde ingress again on US 2nd house, with Uranus moon square still going on we can expect a contraction in gross domestic product (GDP), rising unemployment rates, declining consumer spending, and reduced business investment.
Or should we call it by its name: “economic recession”.

Astrology Transits US Economy September 2024
Astrology Transits US Economy September 2024

Astrology Transits US Economy November 2024
Good news coming beyond this point. On November 19/2024, Pluto leaves -finally- the US 2nd house, and even though this does not mean that the economy will recover from one day to the next, for sure this will be the beginning of a slow recovery.

Even though Pluto leaves the 2nd house the consequences and restructuring of financial institutions will still take time.

Saturn is still in transit through the US 4th house meaning that we will still be under restrictions, limitations, challenges, decrease buying power and somehow a pessimistic felling about the future.

Saturn will leave US 4th house on May 2025, to come back again on his retrograde motion on September 2025 until February 14/2026 when it moves direct and leaves for good US 4th house practically at the same time Neptune changing signs from Pisces to Aries, and also leaves the US 4th house.

We will be then not just on a recovery of the US economy, but in a complete new financial and economic re-structure that will actually work much better for all of us.

Astrology Transits US Economy November 2024
Astrology Transits US Economy November 2024

Astrology Transits US Economy 2024
This is an astrological analysis of the US economy done by Scherezade on March 2024

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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