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Full Moon Alert: Face Your Fears, Manifest Your Dreams

September 11, 2024by Scherezade0

Hey there! I want to personally talk to you about the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces, which is going to bring some intense emotional energy to the surface. We’re about to enter a powerful cosmic moment where the Moon will make a conjunction with Saturn retrograde, move into the full moon, and then align with Neptune retrograde. This combination is going to stir up a lot within us, so let’s unpack what it means and how we can make the most of it.

The Emotional Sandwich: Moon in Pisces Between Saturn and Neptune

Picture this: the Moon is in Pisces, a sign that’s already known for its emotional depth, intuition, and sometimes, its tendency to get lost in dreams or confusion. Now, imagine this sensitive Moon caught between Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and hard lessons, and Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, and disillusionments. That’s exactly what’s happening during this full moon.

This alignment will force us to stop and reflect. Saturn’s retrograde motion is asking, “Have you taken responsibility for your life? What about your emotions, your dreams, your ambitions—have you let them slip, or have you been working to make them a reality?”

Neptune, on the other hand, is bringing up all the fantasies, the ‘what ifs,’ and even the disappointments. We’ll be asked to reconsider how much we’ve been living in reality versus how much we’ve been escaping into illusion.

The Virgo Opposition: Time to Reassess

Adding to the mix, we have the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, standing in opposition to all this emotional Piscean energy. Virgo, being analytical and practical, isn’t going to let us drown in feelings without asking the tough questions. We’ll be nudged to look back at what we’ve been dreaming of versus what we’ve actually done.

Have you taken steps toward your goals? Or have you let them slip away because of fear, confusion, or a lack of focus? The Virgo energy helps us see things clearly, analyze our next moves, and take practical action, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

Unresolved Emotions and Fears

As the Moon shines its full light on us, unresolved emotions and fears are likely to come bubbling up to the surface. This won’t just be about your relationships—though those may definitely feel the impact—it could also bring up things you’ve been ignoring in more practical areas of your life, like work, finances, and personal projects.

It’s a time to ask yourself:

  • What unfinished business do I need to address?
  • Have I taken ownership of my emotional well-being?
  • Am I allowing my fears to hold me back?

These questions might feel heavy, but they’re coming up for a reason. This full moon is giving you a chance to heal and grow emotionally.

Turning Challenges into Growth

I know, all of this might sound a bit overwhelming. But here’s the good news: this energy, while intense, can be incredibly transformative. If we’re willing to face our fears and own the consequences of our past decisions, we can resolve those open chapters and move forward with emotional maturity and stability.

Sure, Saturn’s retrograde can make us feel like we’re being tested, and Neptune’s influence might distort our sense of reality. But if we do the hard work now, we’ll emerge from this period with a clearer sense of purpose and a renewed ability to manifest the dreams we’ve been holding onto for so long.

What You Can Do Now

So, what can you do to make the most of this Full Moon?

  • Reflect: Take some time to journal or meditate on the dreams and goals you’ve set for yourself. Where are you in relation to them? Have you let fear or confusion get in the way?
  • Take Responsibility: Own up to where you’ve fallen short, and be honest with yourself. It’s not about beating yourself up, but about acknowledging where you need to make changes.
  • Embrace Emotional Growth: This is a perfect time for healing, especially old wounds and unresolved emotions. If you face these issues now, they won’t hold you back anymore.
  • Stay Grounded: With Neptune’s foggy influence, it’s easy to get lost in fantasy or escapism. Ground yourself by focusing on the practical steps you can take, even if they’re small.

This Full Moon is offering you the opportunity to face your fears and manifest your dreams—but only if you’re willing to step up, take responsibility, and move forward with emotional clarity and determination.

Remember, this energy will pay off with personal growth and maturity, helping you align with the life you’ve always wanted. So take this moment to embrace the lessons, however tough they may seem, and watch as you start walking the path toward your dreams.

With love and cosmic insight, Scherezade 🌕✨

P.S. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by these energies and need a little extra guidance, I’m here to help. Schedule a reading with me, and we’ll dive into how these transits are affecting you personally!

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004


Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

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Astrologer and intuitive counselor since 2004

Copyright Astrology Transits Scherezade Lozano 2023 2024


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